It is amazing to see a body and mind realign.
Our body and mind crave symmetry and flow. The daily postural stress and the traumas we suffer store in our neuromuscular system which leads to the inflammation that drives chronic disorder, disease, and aging. I have found great joy in watching my patients realize unexpected levels of health and rejuvenation with the stress reduction and realignment that they achieve through Egoscue therapy with Antje Waxman. From pain reduction to mobility, from self-confidence to productivity and sex drive, it is amazing to see a body and mind realign. The speed at which the body responds to new information is evident after a single visit with Antje, but long term success is realized through consistency in the daily practice of movement, this Egoscue routine sends a clear signal to the brain that you are making yourself/your body the priority that it deserves each day. Antje has been an amazing coach and teacher for me and for my patients. Her own healing journey is an inspiration to all of us. Expect wonderful things to happen as you engage in this new resource for living strong.
Dr. Zachary M. Bush, MD
Wave Clinic
Charlottesville, Virginia